Teaching you about how to become more emotionally intelligent is one of my favourite things to do and I don’t think there’s ever been more of a perfect time.

With all that’s going on in the world right now, I know there are also many different emotions being felt. I actually just polled my Instagram audience the other day and the most common emotion was anxious, however, many other people were also feeling scared, uneasy, stressed, nervous, in need of grounding, but also grateful to be working from home.

Like I said, there is such a variety of emotions being felt all around the word right now and I want to teach you how to work with your emotions, rather than against them.

3 Steps to Working With Your Emotions

Step 1: Give your emotion a name.

You’re feeling something, but what exactly are you feeling? Have you given it a name yet? When we give our emotion a name (such as anxious, worried, happy, sad, etc.), we are then able to understand what we’re dealing with. We’re able to see the emotion, rather than be the emotion. This is important because we aren’t our emotions. We feel emotions, but it is important to give them a name, so we can create a space between our self and the emotion being felt.

Step Two: See the emotion as neutral.

We have been conditioned to believe that emotions are good or bad. For an example, most of us would associate happy with being a “good” emotion and anxiousness as a “bad” emotion. However, emotions are actually just neutral – they don’t have to be good or bad. When we allow emotions to be good or bad, we are giving them so much power. What would happen if you simply saw your emotion as a neutral? What would change for you? Begin this practice and I know you will experience a positive shift in your emotional health.

Step Three: Give yourself permission to experience. 

How many times have you resisted an emotion? This is a common thing to do, especially if we view emotions as good/bad. When we begin to notice “bad” emotions arising, we have the tendency to resist and push them away, but things are different now. Now that you understand emotions are neither good nor bad, you can give yourself the permission to fully experience them. This is such a crucial step when learning how to work with your emotions because in order to make progress, we must go through and not around. When we resist emotions, it’s like we’re preventing ourselves from actually moving forward. However, if you give yourself permission to feel and fully experience the emotion you’re facing, you can move through it and this is how true healing happens.

As you begin to practice these three steps, you will be guided to stronger mental and emotional health.

If you’re looking for more personalized support, you can view my coaching options here.