my clients are some of my favourite people.
Life has brought so many incredible women into my life and I have had the opportunity to work with the women you’re about to meet on this page inside a container I call, Back Home To You.
Back Home To You is my 12-week coaching program where I work intimately with women, guiding them through their own self healing journey, supporting them in experiencing mental and emotional freedom, inner child healing, belief system reprogramming, and unshakeable self love.
The women I have had the opportunity to work with inside Back Home To You are incredibly special to me and I wanted to dedicate this page to them, highlighting their stories and accomplishments, and show you what’s possible when you say yes to yourself.
Meet the Back Home To You Grads
These are just a few of the faces, messages, and stories of women who have completed my Back Home To You coaching program. Be sure to click on the links to the podcast episodes I recorded with a few of these incredible women below.

“12 weeks ago I came to Meg lost. I had tried so many things to get my period back but I was frustrated. I was still in a fixed mindset where I believed I didn’t need to gain much weight (my brain wouldn’t let me go there) . With Meg’s help, not only did I get my period back (after 12+ years) but I have come away with tools to manage the mental chatter, and I now see myself in a completely different way (who knew I didn’t have to be skinny to be happy?!). Meg has been more than I could have ever imagined. Not only is she incredible during the weekly calls, she is on constant speed dial in slack, which was probably where I had most of my breakthroughs. Meg, you are one special lady, THANK YOU.”

“Meg gave me the permission I needed to take myself and finally give my body and my soul what I have really needed in order to heal. She showed me through her own example that it was possible to well, to feel free and to be happy; then she guided me through the steps it took to get there. I am so so grateful.”

“This course does exactly what it promises in its name: it brings you back home to yourself. With Meg’s loving support you will uncover the true you, experience what it means to break free from past misunderstandings, beliefs, and conditionings. The tools and techniques you’ll learn are so simple and digestible, yet absolutely powerful. Everything you need to know to befriend your true you is in this program. You will feel loved and supported with every step you take. The knowledge you receive from this course will serve you in all areas of your life, including physical and emotional health, relationships, career and spirituality. If you are doing steps towards self-healing this program will add last missing tools to get you to your full recovery. This course did it for me! For years I was struggling with hormonal imbalances, depression, and disordered eating patterns, my health was declining and serious diagnoses kept adding to the list. I am now restoring my health, connecting with my inner power, feeling happy in my body, and looking forward to my amazing future full of joy and peace. Back Home To You provided me with the knowledge to begin to experience this. I feel endlessly grateful to Meg Doll!”

“I was once lost and confused as to who I was and I felt like a vessel and all hope and dreams gone. But since Back Home To You and Meg being the most amazing, loving coach I can say I have grown as a woman into the person I am suppose to be! I am free, I am whole, I am complete, I am living in my alignment. I didn’t know that is what I have been missing my whole life. Meg was able to help me find where all this conditioning began. I have felt true happiness and found my alignment! I am so blessed to have Meg as my coach and I just want to say THANK YOU for helping me find me!”

“Working with Meg is like a lovely Journey to yourself with your wise magic best friend. I’m so happy I invested in myself and that I can now be with myself, be safe with myself, no matter what. Love you Meg!”

“To say this course changed my life is putting it mildly, this course transformed me!!! I had to dig through some ugly ingrained misunderstandings, and a whole lot of grief, but Meg gave may the love strength and skills to do that. I love her 3 stage approach to self-healing: observe, reprogram, and nurture. Every person can benefit from this course, it ripples over in to all aspects of your life. Meg’s capacity to love is truly awe inspiring, it’s genuine and pure. She is here to guide us to our true and loving selves so that we can live our best and full life. Truly and deeply, thank you for showing me to love me. I am ready to move forward, continuing to learn and heal, to live the life I desire as I strive to find my purpose.”

“I came into this program wanting to feel safe to be me, and wanting the life I envisioned for myself (which wasn’t unrealistic or about materialistic things). Over the last six years, I felt like my confidence took a hit and I lost myself when I went back to school to make a career change in my mid-30s. The low-self worth from a past abusive relationship was re-surfacing. It showed in my marriage and continued after graduation into my own business and work. BHTY helped me test the waters and realize it was safe to be me–that it feels so good to be me! Week-by-week I grow stronger in myself, my intuition, in setting boundaries, in creating the career I want, in expressing more of my authentic self through my writing, and embracing the quirks, shadows, and kindness that compose me. I’ve even been able to step back, look at myself in the mirror, and BELIEVE I’m worthy of all of it. I see my love reflected back at me. I’m coming home.”
“This course helped open the doors to the journey of knowing, loving, and accepting myself.”
I am currently accepting new clients for my coaching program, Back Home To You. For more information about this program, click here or schedule a discovery call with me.