I am so excited to have Xenia Brandstetter back on the show with me this week for her second appearance 🙂

Xenia’s website: https://www.xeniabrandstetter.com/

Book a free call with Xenia: https://www.xeniabrandstetter.com/offers/NUYfwpYa/checkout

Xenia’s first episode after her time working with me as a client: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5j2B0cH4tubpqFvsaYgmZP?si=UOyR2izyQ8K1oPkf6EaPwg

Connect with Meg on Instagram: @iammegdoll

Work with Meg: https://megdoll.com/coaching/ (I am currently accepting 1:1 clients and you can email me directly at hello@megdoll.com)

Get access to Meg’s free resources: https://megdoll.com/freebies/